4 reasons to track your reputation with MPs before an election

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Heather Sturgess, Peter Dawson, & Naomi Croft

The past several weeks have seen a lot of speculation around when the next general election will be held, and what a new parliament will mean for the UK. At nfpResearch, times like these often mean fielding questions from charities wondering when the time is right to start monitoring their standing with MPs once we have our new parliament. Our advice: start TODAY. 

Campaigning for Change: How Cats Protection Gets Results

Submitted by ben.roberts on

As we explored in our free campaigning report last year, engaging MPs can rely on a huge amount of strategy, and some charities can find it difficult to break through the noise and make themselves heard in these arenas. One charity that has managed to consistently make their message heard is Cats Protection, who in recent years have managed to successfully capture and hold the attention of MPs, and advocate for the needs of pet-owners across the UK.

How Regional Branding Helps Charities Connect with Communities

Submitted by ben.roberts on

Sarah Nathan

The past few years have seen the UK public face crisis after crisis. Inevitably, this has led to a shift in the sector’s priorities as we’ve all had to adapt to a few ‘new-normals’ in a short span of time. But even as new concerns arise, the old challenges aren’t going anywhere. This has made it vital to track how the public’s top concerns are shifting at a national level, and whether or not policy is aligned with public demand.

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